Monday, 5 September 2016

Best Friend Picture Ideas to Make Your Moment Ever Lasting


Have you ever taken a picture with your best friends? It is certainly fun and nice, isn’t it; with all of you having fun, posing big smiles, and probably doing silly stuff and movements. There are lots of best friend picture ideas that you can use to create a memorable and unforgettable moment with your best friend. The effect of the pictures can be funny, crazy, fun, sweet, loving, and so many more. So start packing your smartphone, make sure that the battery is full and have fun with these great best friend picture ideas!
Skating with your best friend
Who says that you need to have a normal and controlled picture? What’s the fun in doing that when you can do the fun stuff and try some crazy ideas? For instance, use your skateboard and skate around in a deserted road while put your hands in the air, or sit together with your friend in the middle of an empty road. Not only you will get a unique setting and a one of a kind result, you can really have fun with the one that knows you the best at heart

Tomfoolery? Why not?!

It is basically doing mischief – in a controlled and safe manner, by the way – so you can have fun. You can use the shopping cart, have your friend sit in one, and cruise around the supermarket parking lot with the cart! It is unique, it is daring, and it has ‘loads of fun’ written all over it. Just make sure that you do it all safely. It won’t matter how fun or cool the result will be if you are endangering yourself as well as others.

Trying out different moves

Pose according to the things you both do and like. It shows the common similarities between the two of you and it is certainly unique. For instance, if you are both dancers, why not taking pictures of you doing different poses? It shows your passion in the field, it shows off your flexibility, and you can certainly expect amazing and unique results and unique. It would be even better if you can use uniformed outfit – you don’t have to wear exactly the same outfit; using the same color will be fine – so it is somehow elegant and stylish in its own simplicity.

Pretend Play

Have you ever taken a shot when you are doing things that you aren’t supposed to do? For instance, posing as if you were going to climb a wall, next to a big “No Trespassing” sign or tread on the grass right in front of the warning board “Don’t step on the grass” will certainly add an atmosphere of mischief and yet it is still cute and challenging. The picture somehow shows that you are expecting trouble, and you aren’t afraid of doing it because you are doing it with your best friends. It’s the whole message of the picture: your best friend is your companion in whatever condition you are, even when you are doing things that can get you into trouble or not.

Smooshy face

Taking a shot with a normal face is pretty common, but have you done the smooshy face? On the contrary to the duck face – which is done with serious intent for the result of cute and adorable effect – the smooshy face is done for the sake of fun and silliness. Everyone knows that your face will be crunched in a contorted way to create fun and unusual effects.

The linked arms

Have you tried the linked arms? Not only does it show a good effect, it represents deeper symbol and meaning. It shows that you are going to stay strong together – a good reminder when you are down or when you all face a tough situation. It shows that you always have your friends, no matter what. The arms link can be taken from behind or the front, depending on which view you want to have.

The dogpile

The dogpile is another idea that you can try. It is certainly fun, and the fact that the merrier it will be when you tag along more people is just icing on top of the cake. You can have a great result, along with the kicking, screaming, and laughing, that’s for sure.

4 Tips to Select Living Room Tables for Minimalist Living Room


become an important furniture item that is presented in the living room. A living room is a place to welcome guests and have discussions with decorating ideas. Determining the appropriate table for minimalist living room seems to be not difficult. It should consider several things. Here are the tips to select the best table for minimalist living room.For those who want to decorate a minimalist living room, the right shape of living room table is crucial to support an appearance. Square living room has same sides in which it is recommended to select a square living room table as well. The benefit of this table is to make a living room look more balance and not spends more spaces. Nevertheless, you have to consider the size correctly in order to get it fit and suitable to the shape of

If a living room is rectangle especially for minimalist room, it seems to be a unique shape for minimalist The appropriate living room tables are rectangle as well. You can get this table in one room angle or wall corner. Do not choose too big size in order to propose comfortable spots to do activities. The small living room needs you to take the smaller living room table. For the layout of this table, you can put it in one side of the living room. Do not force too big table for minimalist living room. It can decrease the comfort during spending time in the

Noticing Materials of Living Room Tables
If you want to choose a living room table, it possibly notices the materials made it. Wooden living room tables look so natural and strong to keep in the living room. You may choose solid hardwood like walnut, teak, mahogany, and oak. Do not select to have the quality of composite like Medium Density Fiberboard. It is a combination of materials from solid and soft woods compressed in the shape of board. Though it is durable, but it is as not as strong solid hardwood.  The price is likely more expensive but it is durable for years. Thus, it is better to take a choice of hardwood material. The other materials are marble and metal for the living room tables.There are some rules on determining the shape of living room table based on a living room. For a small living room, pick out an oval living room table in order to provide an empty space in the living room and make it not crowded. The square living room table is more appropriate for a narrow living room. Meanwhile, for a rectangle living room table should be put in the wide living room. Round living room table is actually placed in any designs. Otherwise, it should not be kept in the narrow room because it limits the movements during doing activities there.

Checking Living Room Table Dimension
Most of the living room tables have standard high of 28 to 30 inch. The comfortable table high giving sufficient spots and spaces is between the knee and equal to elbows when you sit. Meanwhile, the width of living room table in all shapes must fulfill the minimum standard width of 20 inch depending on the capacity of people. As an example, an oval table is able to accommodate minimally two people. Do not force the size of table to a living room because it ruins living room interior design. In addition, a small table gives a relaxing impression without decreasing comfort. Surely, it requires the appropriate model of living room tables.

Pusat Souvenir Handuk


PusatSouvenirHanduk.Com menyediakan berbagai souvenir handuk untuk berbagai kebutuhan seperti:
Kami telah melayani kebutuhan souvenir baik souvenir handuk maupun souvenir lainnya hampir ke seluruh Indonesia dari Sabang sampai Merauke dan beberapa negara seperti Jepang, Taiwan, Belanda dan Amerika. Kami berusaha untuk tetap menjaga kualitas dan ketepatan waktu dalam penyediaan souvenir handuk ini.

Cara Memilih Souvenir Handuk (untuk kebutuhan souvenir ulang tahun anak, souvenir promosi, dan lainnya) :
  • Budget. Tentukan budget anda terlebih dahulu sebelum menentukan souvenir handuk yang akan dipilih karena apabila kita tidak menentukan budget dengan benar ada kemungkinan biaya semuanya akan over budget
  • Tema. Tentukan tema yang tepat untuk event anda, setelah menentukan tema yang tepat lalu sesuaikan tema anda dengan souvenir yang akan ada pesan, baik warna maupun gambar yang akan di bordir
  • Kualitas. Bagaimana kualitas souvenir yang akan dipesan, apakah sesuai dengan keinginan Anda, pastikan hal ini karena kualitas souvenir juga menjadi penentu untuk memberikan kesan yang baik bagi penerimanya
  • Manfaat. Apakah souvenir yang anda pesan bermanfaat ? Pilihlah souvenir yang bermanfaat dan awet serta dapat digunakan segala usia seperti souvenir handuk, mug, kaos, dan lainnya
  • Memorable. Apakah souvenir tersebut benar-benar bisa memorable atau hanya 1-3 bulan pakai langsung rusak dan kehilangan manfaatnya. Pilihlah souvenir yang memorable dan awet
  • Supplier. Tentukan supplier yang akan dipakai, apakah memberikan garansi dalam retur apabila rusak, apakah supplier tersebut dapat di percaya dalam ketepatan waktu.
    Anda dapat membaca di bagian testimony supplier, apakah supplier memang berpengalaman di bidangnya, hal-hal inilah yang harus jadi pertimbangan, terkadang mungkin harga lebih mahal sedikit tapi kualitas dan ketepatan waktu serta garansinya terjamin.
Dari hal-hal diatas, semoga Anda dapat bisa mendapatkan informasi yang baik dalam memilih souvenir, kami sebagai Grosir Souvenir Handuk selalu siap melayani anda untuk souvenir ulang tahun anak, barang promosi perusahaan, pernikahan, aqiqahan, baby one month, dan lain sebagainya.
Selamat menentukan pilihan Anda dan terimakasih atas kunjungan dan berbelanja di toko online kami.Salam hangat kami.